Speaker: Rev. Katie McQuage-Loukas

Breaking Bread Together

To share a meal is sacred in many traditions. Let us continue our season of Thanksgiving by breaking bread together and sharing cider. This multigenerational service will honor the earth that gives us life and the love and labor that brings that life from field to table.

Abundant Love, Abundant Freedom

The ongoing legislative attempts to constrict our bodies–our self-expression and our self-determination—are not separate agendas. They are all part of a larger agenda of repression. When we treat the work of justice as a competition, as if justice is a finite resource, we all lose. Instead seek abundance, justice growing and overflowing, because any expansion … Continue reading Abundant Love, Abundant Freedom

Thus Do We Covenant

Today we welcome our newest members! Gather to celebrate them, as well as to renew our commitments to one another and to our shared life as a community. This community is alive because we give it life. We offer our energy and resources, but most of all, we offer our whole selves. Today let us … Continue reading Thus Do We Covenant

All Souls and All Saints

Today we honor our beloved dead, ancestors of our bodies and our spirits. If you have not yet brought a memento of your loved one to the Dia de los Muertos ofrenda, you are invited to bring one to this service and join in our multi-faith service of remembrance.

Liberalism and Liberation

The heritage of our liberal faith is one of constant self-examination and transformation. We ponder the changing world around us, and we adapt, respond, incorporate…or even oppose the dominant culture. The freedom of conscience that is the legacy of this liberal faith tradition includes the power of self-critique, ensuring our ongoing transformation and widening circles … Continue reading Liberalism and Liberation

Owning Our History

Schools and activist groups are banning books, dictating how history must be taught, and censoring media, in the name of patriotism and protecting children. As Unitarian Universalists we are called to challenge this rising tide of repression, to live out our commitment to intellectual honesty and freedom. Incorporating difficult history is necessary for political and … Continue reading Owning Our History

To Preach the Gospel of Love

On September 30, 1770, John Murray preached his first sermon on this continent. Though American Universalism would diverge greatly from his positions, we mark this date as a beginning. We will celebrate Universalism Day and proclaim our good news that all are worthy and beloved!

Never the Same River

The only constant is change. We change, the world changes, all things change over time. As the wheel of the year holds poised in balance, just for a moment, think about needed changes. Think about what leaves you might shed, were you a tree. We will consider what must be released so that we might … Continue reading Never the Same River

People of Promises

Unitarian Universalism is built on the promises we make to one another, but what is the ultimate end? We do not exist simply for ourselves, but as a promise to the world around us. Our chalice has many meanings, but it was born as a promise of refuge and safety in dangerous times. As our … Continue reading People of Promises