Speaker: Rev. Katie McQuage-Loukas

Cultivating Our Dreams

Unitarian Universalists are Congregationalists – there is no outside authority to define our goals or dreams. But there is also no outside support to give us foundational resources! Our congregations are self-sustaining and self-directed. It’s all us, from top to bottom.  We are in the middle of discerning what the work of this community is, … Continue reading Cultivating Our Dreams

That’s Not Fair!

Through stories and song, we will explore justice, equity, and fairness. What are the differences? What does it look like in practice? This multigenerational service has extra story time and a shorter reflection to engage across our age spectrum.

Love Will Guide Us

Is our love for one another a solid foundation for freedom and justice? Unitarian Universalism is saying yes and calling us to deepen our commitment to both justice and the power of our love.

Whose Justice?

We use the word like we know what it means, and as if we all agree on what it means. But we don’t! Different ways of seeing the world produce different ideals of justice, not all of which are compatible. Which version is ours? Does Unitarian Universalism share a single vision of justice?

Reproductive Justice Sunday

On the anniversary of Roe v Wade, we look back on the steady rollback of reproductive rights across the country, and particularly in our own state of Texas. How are we to respond as religious liberals? What does it look like to act from the love that is at our center?

New Year…Same Me

In a world that says “Do more!” and “Improve yourself!” it can be a radical counter-cultural act to instead take care of ourselves. To be gentle and compassionate with ourselves, we must take the time to discover what we really need – not what the world says we ought to be.

What Really Happened?

When stories are very old, and when there are many versions, how can we know what is true? Does it matter? Join us for a no-rehearsal Christmas pageant that asks: What really happened?

Winter Wonderland

Bodhi Day, Hanukkah, Christmas… Tis the season for holy day miracles and holiday magic! The plentitude of stories of light and wonder at this time of year reminds us to open ourselves to the power and possibilities of stories.

Seeking the Mystery

This is a season of preparation and seeking the presence of mystery in our lives, in order that our spirits might point us toward peace, justice, and Beloved Community. Our spiritual practices lay the foundation for our work for a better world, offering us both an anchor amid difficult times and the fuel to persist … Continue reading Seeking the Mystery