Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church focuses our Service and Justice work in four main areas, and offers regular opportunities for the entire congregation to participate together in making our world a more just and compassionate place for all.
We live out our Commitment to families and children in need.

Bay Area Turning Point Food Drive: Each November, teams from the church assist in the collection and processing of food donations for this local organization which provides shelter and vital services for those affected by domestic violence and abuse.
Family Promise: BAUUC is proud to be an active partner in the interfaith organization called Family Promise of Clear Creek. The program’s goal is to help transition families away from homelessness to permanent housing by providing a safe environment that includes shelter, meals and hospitality. Because of the work of dozens of our church volunteers in 2017, 15 families received shelter and support services. Learn more.

Interfaith Caring Ministries Donations: We collect donations every Sunday morning from our members of non-perishable food items and toiletries for the ICM food pantry and store. Look for the big grocery cart in the fellowship hall!
Fall Festival for UNICEF: Our annual all-ages picnic and Halloween carnival on the church’s back lawn raises funds for the United Nations Children’s Fund.

Mercy Tree: Our volunteers donate their time monthly to cook meals for the houseless in the Clear Lake Area by working with Mercy Tree.
“Guest at Your Table” Program: During the holiday season, families at BAUUC honor those around the world in need by setting aside an offering each time they have dinner at home and all the monies collected are donated to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. UUSC promotes economic rights, advances environmental justice, defends civil liberties, and preserves the rights of people in times of humanitarian crisis.
Children’s Holiday Toy Drive: Donations of toys and gifts for young and adolescent children are collected for City Wide Club of Houston and distributed on Christmas Eve at George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston.
Mitten Tree: In December we collect winter clothing items for the SEARCH Homeless Services Center
Mental Health
We live out our commitment to provide education, advocacy and support to those affected by mental illness and mental health issues:

Greater Houston National Alliance Mental Illness Walk: Each spring, our BAUUC Team participates in this walk to support the Houston chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness as part of our ongoing ministry of support and advocacy for people with mental illness.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers a Bay Area support group for relatives and friends of people with serious mental illnesses. The group meets at 7:00 PM on the first and third Tuesday night of each month at BAUUC. Persons with mental illness are also welcome.
Education and Advocacy: BAUUC regularly offers educational programs about mental health issues in order to reduce stigma and increase acceptance. We engage in advocacy work for funding and services to assist those affected by mental health concerns in our local community, our state and our nation.
LGBTQIA+ Equality
We life out our commitment to justice and fairness for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities:

Houston Pride Parade: Every June, BAUUC is proud to join other Unitarian Universalists as we march together in this great Houston celebration.
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays: The Clear Lake chapter of PFLAG offers peer counseling and support for LGBT people and their families and friends. The group meets at 2:00 pm on the fourth Sunday of each month in our Fellowship Hall.
UU Voice for Justice: A network of Unitarian Universalists from across Houston dedicated to being a public voice for LGBT equality, women’s rights and religious freedom. Join the members of our BAUUC community as we publicly witness for justice at events. Learn more.
Our Whole Lives: We teach our children, youth and adults respect for all people through our comprehensive sexuality education programs offered each spring.
BAUUC has been designated as a “Welcoming Congregation” by the Unitarian Universalist Association. We welcome and value the presence and participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in our church community and congregational life.
Sustainability and Environmental Justice
We live out our commitment to care for the Earth and advocate for sustainable living:

Community Garden Project: Vegetables grown by our members are donated to the Interfaith Caring Ministries Food Pantry each month. We are building new planting beds and increasing participation in the garden with our neighbors. Community Garden Workdays happen on the second Saturday of each month. For more information, visit
Armand Bayou Trash Bash: Each Spring, a group from the church joins hundreds of other volunteers from the community to collect trash and help clean up this local park. The Armand Bayou is one of America’s largest urban wildlife refuges. It’s programs promote conservation and help ensure that future generations have the opportunity to experience wilderness close to home.
Sustainability & Simplicity Group: We educate ourselves and others about the issues of our environment by sharing resources and ideas on how to eat locally and consume less.
BAUUC has been designated as a “Green Sanctuary Congregation” by the Unitarian Universalist Association. As individuals and as a faith community we are committed to living in harmony with the Earth and working towards creating more sustainable ways of being.
Supporting Our Community Partners
Share-the-Plate Offerings: Half of all non-designated contributions from the offerings at our worship services on the first Sunday of each month go to a local non-profit organization.
Additional Service and Justice opportunities happen throughout the year. Look in our church publications and website for the latest information on how you can join our BAUUC community in changing lives and healing our world.