BAUUC Religious Education Story for August 9, 2020
'One Usual Sunday Morning' narrated by the Stormberg Family.
BAUUC Religious Education Story for July 5, 2020 - Sitting On the Answer
Today’s story is narrated by Conrad Wells. It is a story from Signs of Our Faith curriculum. In this lesson we discover that there can be multiple answers to big questions. We learn that to seek and evaluate answers to big questions is a sign of UU faith. We also experience prayer or mediation, the ritual of this session, as a way of seeking answers within and a way to articulate and feel their own appreciation, gratitude, wishes, and hopes. Did the stranger know the box contained something valuable? Why do you think the beggar had never looked in the box? Have you ever had a problem solved in an expected way, by something or someone you did not think could solve it? How does this story relate to our brainstorm about finding answers to big questions? Could we be sitting on some of our own answers, without even knowing it? Is one place to find answers to your own experiences? To enjoy the rest of the lesson, please go to https://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/signs/session4
BAUUC Religious Education Story for June 21, 2020 – Sitting on the Answer
Today’s story is narrated by Alison Crawford. It is a story from Signs of Our Faith curriculum. In this lesson we discover that there can be multiple answers to big questions. We learn that to seek and evaluate answers to big questions is a sign of UU faith. We also experience prayer or mediation, the ritual of this session, as a way of seeking answers within and a way to articulate and feel their own appreciation, gratitude, wishes, and hopes.
Did the stranger know the box contained something valuable?
Why do you think the beggar had never looked in the box?
Have you ever had a problem solved in an expected way, by something or someone you did not think could solve it?
How does this story relate to our brainstorm about finding answers to big questions? Could we be sitting on some of our own answers, without even knowing it? Is one place to find answers to your own experiences?
To enjoy the rest of the lesson, please go to https://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/signs/session4
BAUUC Religious Education Story for June 14, 2020 - Journey of a Snowflake
Today's story is narrated by Kristen Griffith. It is a story from Signs of Our Faith curriculum.
In this lesson we learn about the lifelong process of building a Unitarian Universalist faith. We learn that a covenant for being together is a sign of Unitarian Universalist faith. We make a covenant together, look for signs of covenanting in congregational life, and discover additional ways UUs support one another to build a faith that will give their lives meaning and purpose.
To enjoy the rest of the lesson, please go to https://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/signs/session3
BAUUC Religious Education Story for June 7, 2020 - Belling the Cat
Today's story is narrated by the Stormberg family. It is a story from Signs of Our Faith curriculum.
In this lesson we are learning about becoming good leaders.
Answer these questions after you listen to 'Belling the Cat' story.
All four mice posed solutions to the problem. Why did some of the solutions not work?
Did the mouse who suggested belling the cat show good leadership skills? Why or why not? Affirm that having good ideas as a leader is not enough: Ideas need to be realistic and someone needs to carry them out-that person is a leader, too, even if the original idea was not theirs.
Can you think of a solution to the mice's problem? Is there a way they could work together to keep safe from the cat? If time permits, invite participants to role-play solutions.
Have you ever had to work together with a group of people to solve a problem? What was that like? Were there leaders in the group? What did they do that showed leadership?
To enjoy the rest of the lesson, please go to https://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/signs/session2/287566.shtml
Bay Area UU Chruch Religious Education - May 29, 2020
Today's story is narrated by Alison Crawfor. It is a story from Signes of Our Faith curriculum. In this lesson we are learning about rituals and the story helps us remember that some rituals are actions that hold special meaning.
Answer these questions after you listen to 'Abby's Birthday'.
What were some rituals in the story?
Were there any rituals in the story that you have done yourself? [For example, saying "Good morning," singing "Happy Birthday," blowing out candles, giving cards and gifts, lighting a chalice.]
What do the candles on the birthday cake represent?
Why did Kamal and Sherry light a chalice when they got home? Was it because it was dark and they needed light, or was there another reason?
To enjoy the rest of the lesson, please go to https://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/signs/session1