How can I make my pledge?
- Use this link to make your pledge: Pledge here.
- On paper: Pledge forms are given to new members, are passed out to everybody during Stewardship Season, and are available in the church office.
- By email to Sharlene Rochen, our Administrator, at [email protected].
- By phone during business hours (9am-1pm) to Sharlene Rochen, our Administrator, at 281-488-2001.
How can I pay my pledge?
Many congregants contribute monthly or quarterly by making an online payment through their bank. Other options:
- Click on this link to pay via PayPal or credit card: Pay here. You can set up a recurring payment, if you choose to do so.
- Text GIVE to 832-299-5839. This is a unique phone number set up for BAUUC just for the purpose of receiving payments. You will be asked for your credit card number and the purpose of your payment, and you can also set up recurring payments.
- Go to the Paypal app on your mobile device and make a payment to [email protected] including a description of the purpose of your payment.
- Put a check in the offering plate with “Pledge” in the memo line. You can also mail checks or deliver checks to the church to the attention of Sharlene Rochen.
- Put cash in an envelope and put it in the offering plate on Sunday. Please use the envelopes provided on the backs of some chairs. Write your name and “Pledge” on the envelope so that your account is credited.
- If you must take Required Minimum Distributions from your IRA or 401(k) you can instruct the company to pay the amount of your pledge directly to the church and the balance to you. The amount that goes to the church will then not be included in your taxable income. Talk to your financial advisor if you wish to do this.