Speaker: Gloria Miller

Weaving Together As One

In its simplest definition, weaving is an art form that involves interlacing two sets of threads or yarn at right angles to one another. The method is ancient, dating back to the Paleolithic Era, and is found across every culture on the globe. The woven product, however, represents so much more than overlapping threads. As … Continue reading Weaving Together As One

“Sowing the Seeds: The Fruits of Continued Faith Development”

A free and responsible search for truth and meaning evokes an image of individuals journeying diverse paths and at various stages of faith formation. Yet, Unitarian Universalism, with its core identity as a covenantal faith, suggests that faith development occurs within the context of human connection. How do we work towards the maturation of both an … Continue reading “Sowing the Seeds: The Fruits of Continued Faith Development”

What is Our Youth’s Legacy

Let us look at Unitarian Universalist most inspirational leaders, in particular those who have made a mark on youth’s lives. We will also welcome Gloria Miller, our new Acting Director of Lifespan Religious Education.